Sunday, January 2, 2011

Working on Goals

Today, I tried to work on some of my plans for the upcoming year. I kept my plans to work out by getting on my treadmill. I only exercised for ten minutes but I burned the same amount of calories that I usually do in twenty minutes. I may jog for another ten minutes before I lie down in my bed tonight.

I have also been working on increasing my residual income. I plan for this to come from online writing. I was not able to write for residual pay before because in my prior residence my rent was high and we had to pay for all our utilities. Luckily, we are now in a new place with the same amount of space but it is a few hundred dollars less. In addition, we do not have to pay for gas so we are saving money with this too. While I have a little more leniency with what I make from jobs that pay me upfront, I want to plan for the future. I have joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge so that I will make a commitment to this blog and be consistent in my writing. I also wanted to find an audience for this blog.

Here is an inspirational song to remind us of our goals and to work hard at it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year's!

I stayed in last night for new Year's Eve. Instead of trying to go out with a toddler who is very energetic toddler I just celebrated at home with my family. My husband cooked a nice seafood dinner and he bought a bottle of wine that I had asked for. We had a nice dinner together and my daughter and husband were asleep by 10:00. I stayed up to watch the ball drop on the television as I sat in front of the computer.

I began to think about the positive changes that I wanted to make in the upcoming year. It seems I always choose resolutions that sound good but then I never accomplish it. I think I have to take things one step at a time and make some changes that are realistic. I definitely want to continue the jobs that I have found online. I am always applying to jobs I could do at the computer when I have time. This year I would like to work on more residual income as well. I just want to write for my blog and some revenue share websites so that I can slowly build an audience and see some revenue for my efforts.

I also would like to work on adding an addition to the family. After I had a miscarriage two weeks ago I have started to long for another child. I did not feel the need as much before the incident but know I guess I am looking to replace it.

I also want to work on being more fit. I have days where I am good about activity but it does get hard. I find it  challenging sometimes because I have my daughter home with me and I am trying to make some extra income online. I try to get my exercise in with her sometimes.

Those are things I would like to accomplish. I will do my best to work to take my time and slowly strive to make these changes.

The following is pictures of my family. I wanted to add them so you can get to know me more.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Day and Thoughts This Christmas

Well, today was Christmas and I had a nice day. I got to spend time with members of my family. It was nice getting together on holidays. I really like Christmas and consider it my favorite holiday even though I stress out over gift giving. This year I kept it simple. I did not spend too much money. I got pictures developed of various family members and put them in a lovely frame. I gave these out to adults in my family. For my daughter's gift I used some money that I made from various writing, editing and rating jobs as well as some Amazon gift cards that I got from Swagbucks and Specpan

My three year old daughter Veronica understood the holiday much more this year. She knew that she had to be a good girl to get the gifts that she asked for. She was also able to tell me the toys and games that she was interested in. She enjoyed opening her gifts in the morning and spending time at her cousins house.

My husband chose to stay home today and work on the kitchen of our new place. He really surprised me with the way he decorated it. He used tablecloths and dish towels from Portugal to put around the room. He also brought up a place that I could store the microwave and miscellaneous items on.

The only slightly sad thing was that I had a miscarriage just last Friday. It happened suddenly and unexpectedly at nine weeks. I did not have one terrible, painful miscarriage where I passed massive clots. Instead, I noticed some blood when I woke up. It looked like the amount that I would see if I started my period. soon, I felt a gushing feeling and ran to the bathroom. All I saw was red blood and it appeared to be pouring out. I could not leave the bathroom so I sat on the toilet and let everything out. I was surprised and wondered if I had done anything wrong. I realized that I had been making healthy adjustments and it may have just been beyond my control. I had to see a gynecologist and I had a sonogram done. Everything was out already. They did find a cist on the outer wall of my reproductive organs. The doctor believes it will likely go away on its own. I certainly hope so since I do not want surgery. I have to get another sonogram done to check it out more thoroughly.

In the mean time, I am focused on getting more healthy. I am taking folic acid now and I am going to try to lose some weight to increase my fertility chances. It is a bit early for me to try to conceive but I am trying to decrease the likelihood of a miscarriage when I get pregnant again. I changed my Thyroid medication too since thyroid conditions increase the chance of a miscarriage. I want to be on the same brand of medication that I was on when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was Armour Thyroid and I had no trouble with her pregnancy.

I was glad that I spent time with my family this Christmas after having a miscarriage. I feel bad that I had just got finished telling them that I was pregnant and then I miscarried just a few days later. My family is supportive and looks forward to another one soon.